這是Alexander Rohrbach license 給JPK的PFM的研究成果,給大家參考一下.希望我們的Optical Tweezers也能一直deliver這樣的研究成果.
Figure 1: The NanoTracker™ optical tweezers platform.
Figure 3: DIC image of a CHO cell with a membrane tether pulled by an optically trapped microsphere..
The movie in Figure 3 shows such a tether being pulled out from the membrane of a CHO cell. After an interaction time of two seconds, the virus-coated microsphere was retracted with a speed of 5 µm/s by moving the piezo stage. In figure 4, the same experiment was performed at a higher retraction speed. The virus-coated particles were pushed into the cells with a force of about 20 pN (blue area in the graph). The viruses were let to interact with the cell (white area) and then retracted at 0.5 µm/s. From the stepwise unbinding seen in this phase we can deduce that multiple bonds had been formed.
Figure 4: Measuring forces between cells and specifically coated microspheres. Approach and retract phases are shown. The retract phase shows a bond rupture in several steps.
Fig.4好似曾相識壓 :p
(我的blog竟然沒提示我這裡有新文章 -__-)
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