
Optical Tweezers in NTU, Taiwan
這幾天意外發現了,台大有一位年輕的老師溫進德助理教授,也在玩optical tweezers.重點是他是分子與細胞生物研究所的.所以,剛好可以回應上一篇宜仁的comments.台灣,已經有人是好好的拿optical tweezers在一些生物題目上啦!!!
1. 利用光鉗研究核酸結構生成的動力學及熱力學
2. 利用光鉗研究核醣體轉譯及調控的機制
參考網頁: http://cell.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw/faculty/wen.htm
而且他有在Biophysical Journal(一個我夢想的Journal)上publish用optical tweezers作的研究成果喔:
*. Wen, J.-D. , Manosas, M., Li, P. T., Smith, S. B., Bustamante, C., Ritort, F. & Tinoco, I., Jr. Force unfolding kinetics of RNA using optical tweezers. I. Effects of experimental variables on measured results. Biophys. J. 92 , 2996-3009 (2007).
*. Manosas, M., Wen, J.-D. , Li, P. T., Smith, S. B., Bustamante, C., Tinoco, I., Jr. & Ritort, F. Force unfolding kinetics of RNA using optical tweezers. II. Modeling experiments. Biophys. J. 92 , 3010-3021 (2007).
Forty Years of Optical Manipulation

這是今年三月份的Optics and Photonics News的主題及封面.(OPN, Vol.21(3),March 2010).記得我剛開使玩Optical Tweezers時,都還寫著"過去20年.....一種新的技術....."轉眼間就變40年啦:P(當然要看對Optical Tweezers的開始的定義是何時,還有40年可能有點灌水啦,時間是沒過那麼快啦:P).....而這個NEWS,還要感謝四月份參加好友及學妹婚禮時(郭郭喜宴),同學林老大告訴我的.....

Fig. 4 Optical stretching. A cell is trapped between two counter-propagating beams in a dual-beam fiber trap. The laser wavelength used is 1,064 nm. (Top) With low laser power of 200 mW, the cell has no measureable deformation. (Bottom) However, at higher powers of 1.4 W, the cell is appreciably stretched. The amount of stretching is linked to the properties of the cytoskeleton.

Fig.5 Optical injection of a gold nanoparticle into a cell. The nanoparticle is first trapped by continuous wave optical tweezers. Once in position at the surface of the cell, a pulsed femtosecond beam is applied; this forces the cell through the cell membrane.

Fig.6 The aerosol carousel. Five aerosol water droplets are trapped in a ring. The droplets can be rotated, using holographic optical tweezers, to move through the “interrogation zone” denoted by the dashed box on the left-hand side. Here a Raman spectra is taken (right-hand image) and can be used to analyze the droplet composition as well as to gain information on its size. Using this technique, one can make comparative measurements between the different droplets
References and Resources
JPK Nanotracker™

Optical tweezers enable trapping and manipulation of nanoparticles, microparticles, and biological species in fluid media. Now, JPK's unique Nanotracker™ system extends this technology to enable measurement of interaction forces with sub picoNewton sensitivity. In addition, particles are simultaneously tracked in 3-D to quantify dynamics, viscosity, diffusion and host of other processes.
For the first time, dual beam force-sensing optical tweezers seamlessly integrate on inverted optical microscopes combining advanced optical and confocal techniques including single molecule fluorescence in a small footprint, easy to use system.
Our unique tweezers technology (also known as a Photonic Force Microscope) enables quantification of molecular, cellular and micro-rheological processes. Applications include molecular motor mechanics, binding/elasticity of DNA and proteins, cell membrane dynamics and particle uptake. JPK's Nanotracker™ is set to revolutionize research in biophysics, biochemistry, drug discovery, toxicology and many other fields.

With the NanoTracker™, the user can trap and track particles from several µm down to 30nm with the ability to control, manipulate and observe samples from vesicles to whole cells in real time with nanometer precision.
NanoTracker™ technology provides precisely quantifiable and reproducible measurements of particle/ cell interactions. The system delivers precise information about single molecule mechanics and may also be used to determine mechanical characteristics such as adhesion, elasticity or stiffness on single molecules.

NanoTracker™ setup with syringe pumpson Zeiss Axio Observer base
Key features
Real-time data - essential for living cell studies
Optical Tweezers meets 3D particle tracking
3D real space tracking information with nanometer precision
Use of biochemically modified nanoparticles
No perturbation of the biological system
Reproducible and calibrated data
Quantitative results from mechanical properties to diffusion
Quantifying cell-virus interactions using the NanoTracker™ optical tweezers system
這是Alexander Rohrbach license 給JPK的PFM的研究成果,給大家參考一下.希望我們的Optical Tweezers也能一直deliver這樣的研究成果.
Figure 1: The NanoTracker™ optical tweezers platform.
Figure 3: DIC image of a CHO cell with a membrane tether pulled by an optically trapped microsphere..
The movie in Figure 3 shows such a tether being pulled out from the membrane of a CHO cell. After an interaction time of two seconds, the virus-coated microsphere was retracted with a speed of 5 µm/s by moving the piezo stage. In figure 4, the same experiment was performed at a higher retraction speed. The virus-coated particles were pushed into the cells with a force of about 20 pN (blue area in the graph). The viruses were let to interact with the cell (white area) and then retracted at 0.5 µm/s. From the stepwise unbinding seen in this phase we can deduce that multiple bonds had been formed.
Figure 4: Measuring forces between cells and specifically coated microspheres. Approach and retract phases are shown. The retract phase shows a bond rupture in several steps.